Facebook: ‘You Have Created Too Many Pages Recently’

Two months ago (skip to your answer), I tried linking an Instagram business account on Facebook but was not able to. I renamed the inactive pages I had but wasn’t able to connect. So, I deleted the pages. I tried to create another page; I got the response “You have created too many pages recently.”…

MyMoney App – Intro

Ever since I started working, last month was the first time/month that the money kept aside for my t-fare lasted till the end of the month. Before, I transfer money for t-fare to one of my banks and withdraw amount needed for a week on Fridays. Two things happen; either the money withdrawn won’t be…


I have been postponing this for years, so I did it today. Yay!! Finally!! MTN introduced its 4G network years ago. Around 2018/2019, I cant remember correctly. I wanted the 4G, it was faster, but I couldn’t do it because my phone (then) was not 4G compatible. I later got a 4G phone; I couldn’t…

HNG8 Task 2

We were given our second task on Tuesday. I wasn’t online when it was posted. I saw the task and I wanted to cry. Yo! I have not written a single code since 2020 and the task we were given, I have done something similar to that before and it was on my old PC.…

My Goals for HNG 8 Edition

This was published first on Medium for my first task at HNG Internship. I wrote my first code October 2018. That was when I picked interest on Web development. I’ve always wondered how these websites came to be and MJ DeMarco’s book made it clearer for me. I knew sites like are used to…


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