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Fitness Journey Day 2?

It’s not day 2 but I used the number 2 because this is my second post. I am doing this because I wrote in the previous one that posting it on my blog is a way of holding myself accountable. A quick rundown of the past three days REAL DAY 2: It was the Saturday…


In early April, I wrote a blog post about an NGO founded by a friend of mine – Sustainobles.  Last week Saturday – 20th of April 2024 – I went for the charity match organized by this amazing non-profit organization. Before I dive into the details of yesterday. Let me refresh our memory on what…

Fitness Journey Day 1

I have a daily routine written down but I can count the number of times I followed the activities judiciously. Yesterday, I decided to hold myself accountable on this my journey of fitness. My new day a.k.a wake up alarm is by 4am and what I do when it rings is to turn it off…

Fitness Journey – Intro

I made a new sub-category for my blog two years ago and I named it “A New Journey.” I’ve forgotten the plans I had for it because I didn’t work or write a lot last year. So, today I got an idea of what to do. Q3 of 2023 I was weighing 75kg and in…

The Osite Bus Driver

I grew up in Onitsha, a town in Anambra State. I am also from Anambra State. Shuttle buses were introduced around 2015-2016 in my area. The shuttle buses were called Osite Bus. I don’t know if they are still called such. I can’t remember where the name Osite came from. it’s either written on the…


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“You can achieve every single thing you want to. It only takes a day at a time.”

-Blessing Chisom
Happiness is free. Be happy! I will crack you up, bore you, brighten your day, annoy you and any other emotion. Have fun!
You look so much better when you smile.

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